I was very keen to bring attention to the publishing world. Codi Pais is a booklet and mobile exhibition by and for Welsh women published under the creative guidance of multi-talented singer, poet and writer - Casi Wyn. It is a platform that highlights and celebrates the creativity of Welsh women, curates and exhibits art in a modern way, and now also hosts a dynamic and lively community of artists from Wales and beyond. The focus is not solely directed at the visual arts, the magazine also works to bring attention to important causes and events creating a safe and welcoming space for artists to respond creatively. 

Each issue that is published follows a specific theme, and the latest (and extremely timely) theme is peace – see the cover below designed by artist Sioned Medi. Seeing artists use their creative energy to express their feelings and opinions about the horrors of war and suffering in a productive way gives me a glimmer of hope. But more than that, seeing people working hard to bring these artists and their ideas together under the banner of art is really uplifting. That was the main reason I chose Codi Pais - to celebrate the dedication evinced in making a creative space for Welsh women. Codi Pais is identified as a fully independent project that has not received any sponsorship or financial support from the Arts Council or Wales Arts International. 

Websites and social media  

Website: www.codipais.bigcartel.com 

Instagram: @codipais 

X: @CodiPais 


Ani Glass is our guest curator for #PethauBychain 2024. Read about the theme she chose and the other selected projects here: